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Caterpillar brows and work! πŸ’…

Evening! πŸ‘‹

Today has been a good day! I peeled myself out of bed this morning when Hazel woke up wishing I just had 5 more minutes to sleep. She woke up twice in the night and this seems to be a regular occurance recently. So we read about 300 books and played in her room. (Or do I mean make a huge mess by getting every possible toy out of the cupboard and throwing it on the floor). Did the usual getting showered and dressed. I long for the day I can have a morning shower in peace and not have a little person staring at my bum saying ‘what’s that’. So I took the oppertunity once she was down for a nap to do my make-up. Shock. 

My eyebrows. They’re HUGE. Like 2 hairy catipillars balancing on my forehead just longing to cocoon themselves into beautiful butterflies. One day my dears. One day. So clearly I have had no time to get them sorted instead I’ve just gone with the over grown look. Just going to roll with it. I may not have had time to tame the beasts this morning but I did find the time to do my hair rather than shoving it up in a bun on the top of my head. Miracle! 

Anywhoooo I waited for man child to get back home so I could go to work. Days like this we are like ships in the night. Simply passing by one another on our way out the door. That is what it’s like when you both work and look after a small human! I’m not sure there will ever be a happy balance but we do what we have to in order to survive. If that’s even what you would call it! 

Work was really good. Busy as always! I had mainly pedicures today and a set of shellac nails. People always ask me if it bothers me touching people’s feet like they’re some sort of demon extension to the body that could attack at any given moment. But no it doesnt. I regularly perform Hollywood waxing so feet are more than welcome in my eyes! Talking of feet and eyes though I did recently cut a clients toenail which flung up into the air and hit me straight in the eye. I tried not to react as to save some dignity to myself and my client but we both knew it happened and there was no denying it. So we spent 5 minutes laughing and continued the treatment. Perhaps I should invest in some protective eyewear in the future! 

Placed yet another order for the salon which will hopefully be arriving tomorrow! And what arrived today? My eyelash perming kit. Exciting times! I may have some time to sort out my own nails tomorrow. One can dream. I only had a chance to file one hand today which means I have one hand with short square nails and one hand with long pointy dragon talons! Not a good look! All I need to do is pick a colour to have. But how do you choose when you have so much choice! 

There’s another rack of polishes but I couldn’t fit them all on the photo. 

Man child took small human for a walk today down the canal. When I say ‘took for a walk’ it makes her sound like a dog! Which of course she isn’t. But anyway he sent me the cutest photo. 

It certainly isn’t a walk with Hazel without having to stop and eat a biscuit! That may partly be my influence as I have been known to indulge in a buscuit or two. Alright maybe half a packet but I believe if nobody sees it happening then it doesn’t count! 

I left work and arrived home to small human in bed and a delicious quorn stir fry from man child. I even got a cup of tea! Not in the stir fry of course. That would be a soup. Not to mention it would taste rather questionable. Although I’ve never tried noodles smoothered in tea so who knows! Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it! 

We’ve just binged watched some Nurse Jackie and Man child is of to bed ready for the last early start of the week. Who am I kidding? Every day with small human is an early start! I’m kicking back and relaxing infront of the TV and having some downtime! 

That’s all! Thanks for reading 😘

Holly x 


Swimming and a disaster at DIY! πŸŠβ€β™€οΈΒ 

Evening all! πŸ‘‹ 

How can my child be moody ALL DAY! Maybe not all day. But it certainly feels like it. 

She woke up at half 7 asking for a bottle and then went to sleep until 10:45! What a rare and lovely lie in for me and man child! However the extra sleep didn’t really seem to improve her mood so we had a morning (what was left of it) of tears and tantrums 😭 she wanted her dummy. Since she was born she had a dummy for sleep but never in the day! But recently if she sees one she will cry for it. I won’t give in though. We have a good routine and I don’t want to spoil it! 

We decided it was best to get her out the house and take her swimming! She loves being in the water and spashing around laughing her head off. Bath time is usually a different story! πŸŠβ€β™€οΈ 

We only spent around 50 minutes in the pool and got out to go to mcdonalds! Very naughty considering we have been on the healthy food wagon for a while and a burger and chips don’t bode well for the diet. But ah well just a minor slip up. (That and I’m making bacon sandwiches for diner…) πŸ₯“ I’ll be craving vegetables tomorrow! 

Once we scoffed our faces we decided to get some new shelves to put up in our living room. What a nightmare! You see I always have these great and brilliant ideas but when it comes down to it my skills are just not great! Man child actually took over and did a pretty decent job! 

Nothing on them and still covered in wall shavings but at least they are up! Now we just need to do the other side tomorrow! 

Man child has an early start in the morning for work so we’ll probably eat our bacon and go to bed! Today has gone so quickly and I am exhausted 😴 

See you tomorrow! 😘

Holly x 

Beauty · Lifestyle · Nailcare · shopping · Skincare

Walking in the Rain and works new treatment!Β 

Hazel napped for 3 hours this afternoon! And I was so bored. All the housework had been done and there was sweet bugger all on tv to watch! I was hoping to get down to swimming at Towcester today but by the time she woke up we had missed it! So instead we took a walk to the shop and park! 

Every time I take her to the park there’s nobody ever in it! So it feels like we are VIPs in a small children’s area. It’s the small victories in life that count! 

Welly boots on and in great preparation as it began to rain! Luckily we had our rain coats on and I must have looked like a man woman running down the road to escape the weather! 

One thing that did make me laugh was Hazel trying to feed stones to the plants. Holding her arm out and saying ‘yum yum’ totally unaware that a daffodil cannot eat a rock. 

I posted a couple of days ago about a new treatment entering the salon and it is finally here!

Brand new sparkling ‘Mii cosmetics’. I am SO excited to start using this product on my clients. I spend lots of time playing with my own make up it will be great to put my skills to the test on others! 

I cooked a very basic sausage and veg meal this evening. Healthy and quick! Which is just what I like when it comes to food. Okay maybe not the healthy bit so much but I’m trying! 

Slathered in Gravy of course! 

Man child’s just arrived home from work and Baby is fast asleep in bed so now it’s time to watch Nurse Jackie! We’ve only just started watching it and so far so good! That’s all I have today! 
