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Spa day and an electrical fail. 

My god do I feel relaxed today! The only possible way I could feel more chilled out was if I was asleep. Or dead… but let’s not wish that upon myself just yet. I’ve still got plenty of living to do! 

Myself and Man Child got up this morning. Packed up Hazel and shipped her off to my dads for the day! The great thing about grandparents is you can literally dump them when you feel like it and be on your way. They even enjoy the company of small humans. Believe it or not! 

She seemed fairly content with her bag of crisps and a cuddle on grandads lap. It was a nice suprise to see my Nan was down from wales for the Easter weekend. Her and Hazel were even wearing matching tops! 

It’s so nice to see her! As she lives so far away it’s difficult to see each other on a regular basis but when we do we have plenty of laughs! 

Small human was all cuddled up on the sofa and we made the great escape out the door and off to Bannatynes spa for a day of relaxation! How we managed that with no tears or tantrums I’ll never know! 

We made good use of the pool, sauna and steam room and even treated ourselves to a lovely massage. Which would have been much better had my therapist not spoke the whole way through the treatment. She tucked a towel into my swimming costume and I’m pretty sure she pulled it down so far half my arse crack was hanging out! She’ll need a bit of therapy and probably a lie down after witnessing that!

Despite the massage not being completely relaxing it was nice enough and we resumed our day by mucking around with floats in the pool. A quick dip in the hottub and a bit of a sweat in the sauna we decided to call it a day and head off to collect Small Human! She had a great time at her grandads. Apparently she spent some time trying to put her Dr. Martins on the dog! We all left for home to put her to bed. 

Myself and Man Child feeling super lazy after our chilled out day decided to make bacon sandwiches for dinner and cosy up on the sofa for a movie. We have a ‘bacon sunday’ tradition in our household but Man Child has missed out on this the past few weeks due to overtime. So to save a bit of heartache tomorrow morning we decided to cook them up early. That and I couldn’t muster up the energy to actually cook anything half decent. 

Ready to watch a movie. That was until we realised when we turned one of our lights off in the living room it stayed on! I began to freak out wondering how long it would be before it burst and set fire to the house destroying everything in sight. All was resolved when I contacted a guy I knew who is an electrician to ask him what was wrong. Turns out the lights are completely fine and it was just the bulb on its way out. How embarassing. It was like one of those moments when you can’t figure out why something won’t turn on and it’s because it isn’t even plugged in. That’s women for you. Immediately jumping to the wrong conclusion before using your brain to figure out the most simple resolution. 

We finally watched our film and we are off to bed! 

Holly 😘

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